2016 NUU Belfast
Launch of Irish Political Studies Commemorative Issue
2016 Bogota Colombia
Ill Foro Colombia-Union Europea (Sesion Inaugural)
2016 Paasakivi Society, Helsinki, Finland
"Europe without Britain: An Irish view of the challenges facing the EU in 2016 and beyond"
2016 Dublin Castle
USI Student Achievement Awards
2016 EAFIT University, Medellin, Colombia
Opportunities for Trade and Investment in a post conflict environment
2016 Universidad Externado, Bogota, Colombia
Peace in Ireland and Colombia: Differences and Similarities
2016 Young Professionals' Network, IIEA Dublin
How the template of the Northern Ireland Peace Process can contribute to international Peace Building
2015 Conference at the Mexican Council on Foreign Affairs : COMEXI
“Ireland Today”
2015 University of Guadalajara
"From conservative country to liberal society: How Ireland became the first country in the world to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote"
2015 University of Guadalajara
“Ireland: An Island of 6 million and a Nation of 70 million”
2015 Glucksman Ireland House, New York University
"From Bailout to Recovery: The prospects for the Irish (and European) economies"
2014 Salvador Allende Foundation. Santiago, Chile
"The Challenge of Unity in an International Movement: toward a common strategy for a new Global Deal"
2014 ReSPA Governing Board Members. Skopje, Macedonia
"Governance in difficult economic circumstances – creating the right conditions for growth and competitiveness"
2014 National Model UN, University College Cork
"Ireland's foreign policy as regards the UN"
Inside the Room: The Untold Story of Ireland's Crisis Government
March 2011: Enda Kenny and Eamon Gilmore have just formed a coalition government between Fine Gael and Labour. Ireland's banks are broken, unemployment is heading for half a million, the public finances are in chronic deficit, international lenders rate Ireland as ‘junk’ and the country is in an IMF bailout. As Tánaiste in the new Coalition, Eamon Gilmore was at the heart of every major economic decision taken during his term, and as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade was primarily responsible for restoring Ireland's international reputation and trade connections.
In his extraordinary political memoir of these dramatic and turbulent times, Eamon Gilmore writes frankly about the political price the Labour Party has paid for some of their choices, reflects on the circumstances that led to his own resignation and assesses the prospects for Ireland's continued recovery, including the risks which could yet blow Ireland's and Europe's economies off course. This dramatic inside story lifts the lid on the seminal moments of those crisis political years between 2011 and 2014, the tough decisions and political battles, and ultimately, the personal impact of this critical period in recent Irish political history.
Available from all good bookstores.
Leading Lights - People Who've Inspired Me
Leading Lights was Eamon Gilmore's first book and was published by Liberties Press in 2010.
In Leading Lights, Gilmore discusses the people who moved him to go into politics and influenced the development of his political beliefs. Interweaving his own personal narrative around the figures who influenced him throughout his formative years and career, the book is an important insight into the man behind the politician.
Gilmore's inspirations range from family and colleagues, his grandmother Ellen Gilmore and Prionsais DeRossa, to internationally influential figures such as Martin Luther King. There are also some surprises, such as the 'Iron Lady' of British politics, Margaret Thatcher, musician Seán O'Riada and playwright Seán O'Casey spicing up the list.
Available from Liberties Press and all good bookstores
Link: http://www.libertiespress.com/shop/leading-lights